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Postdoc position

A postdoc position on the “Synthesis and characterization of (electro)chemiluminescent dyes” to carry out research activity related to the project “BioPoweredCL” “Bright and biologically powered chemiluminescent labels for cell and tissue imaging” has been opened. Please check the department website https://www.chimica.unipd.it/dipartimento/amministrazione-trasparente/bandi-di-concorso/bandi-didattica-ricerca-e-altre-tipolog-2 and https://protocollo.unipd.it/albo/viewer for details. If interested contact prof. Alessandro Aliprandi (alessandro.aliprandi@unipd.it) and send a CV. Stay tuned!

Post doc positions

We are always looking for passionate researchers. Internal and European fellowships are often available. Please check if you are eligible for a Marie Curie Fellowships. If so, you will be asked to propose a potential project. Ideal candidates have a strong background that is complementary to the group. The deadline is usually in September, therefore if you are interested to apply for a Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship, please contact us well in advance, sending a CV.

PhD positions

If you love organometallic and organic synthesis or catalysis you are a talented and well-prepared student, please contact us. Fellowships are available every year from the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova

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PhD positions for execellent chinese students

Thanks to a joint agreement between the CSC (China Scholarship Council) and the University of Padova a limited numer of fellowships are reserved to excellent chinise students. The application deadline is generally between January and February for a PhD fellowship starting on the following October

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Master Students

Positions for experimental thesis are usually available over the year. Please contact us in advance (from 5 to 6 months) – a limited number of fume hoods is available.

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